viernes, 8 de julio de 2011


The curse of a Golf ball is able to create reactions that are assembled in a person’s memory; this creates a space in which cultures, ideas and design are bonded.
This year the Tecnologico of Monterrey Campus Guadalajara university in collaboration with the Glasgow Caledonian University participated at the Milan Fairy of Desing 2011 (Salone dil Mobile), the project presented was “TIME TOTEMS” which searched to demonstrate  the bond between two total different cultures; this is the work of 15 Mexicans and 15 Scottish designers which working separately where able to get a way of artistic expression and at the same time with a unique and innovative design, in which it can be appreciated, a new way of telling the color and shape of the way of living in each country.

                                                                 TIME TOTEM                          
                            Photo by: Jacobo Munoz

The idea was to create a TOTEM that was able to make travel a golf ball trough a space of 1m x 30cm x 30cm and during the lapse of one minute, this could create 6 different reactions allusive to México and Scotland.
The students were able to learn and take common characteristics of each country; the creativity expressed in each TOTEM and the such representative design of each country is what makes this Project so interesting, it captures you and is able to get all your attention in such a small space, but at the same time, telling a hall culture in such a small lapse of time.

                                               Kaleb Cárdenas
                                  Photo by: Jacobo Munoz

This is one of the TOTEMS presented at the Fairy it belongs to Kaleb Jemail Cárdenas Zavala and it represented the most important icons of the Scottish culture; Long Ness monster, a medieval war, kilts, the flag and a little bit of the Mexican colors.

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