sábado, 9 de julio de 2011

"FAREWELL" - Glass Cabinet

Workshop in collaboration with the company  Orrefors and the designer Erika Lagerbielke; working with her glass collection “Difference”  from which several cases where developed to keep this prestigious items safe and giving them a proper presentation.

                                                                                                                            Erika Lagerbielke

4 wine glasses and 4 water glass cups where meant to fit in these wood cases, but besides this items there where several stories behind each cabinet that made them very special and unique. In collaboration with the designers Mikael Löfström and Leif Burman, specialists in Wood works, this project was developed in the University of Tec de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara.

                                                  Kaleb Cárdenas
                                    Photo by: Alejandro Bona
“Farewell” it´s a case that involves everything that represents honoring somebody on their last moment with us, giving that last memory to that person that was so important in our lives.
It represents all the good things that a person left and the way that we shall always remember them.

                                   Photo by: Alejandro Bona

The wood used was “Tornillo” or “Cedar Frog”, “Dantelion” was the flower that inspired this hall project, because of its similarity with life and the beauty of such; it contains seeds that can be blown away and the flower dies, just as easy as life does too…in an instant; but all this seeds left rebirth into something new, they represent what was left from a person, all the good deeds, all the memories, all the wisdom, all the love…

                                    Photo by: Alejandro Bona

FAREWELL is a case that contains very precious objects, 4 beautiful wine glasses and a special compartment for memories… a space where you can keep the most valuable things that you love from the person that passed away (a photo, note, letter, etc).
The secret lock that this case contains assures that nobody but you can reach to such important objects.

                                                              Photo by: Alejandro Bona

“What we do in life, echoes in eternity”; this case represents an honor to that.

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